The Governors of the school have agreed the Charging and Remissions Policy be adopted in accordance with DES Circular 02/89 on charging provisions of the Education Reform Act which came into being on 1st April 1989 and also ‘Charging for School Activities’ DfE October 2014. This states that no LA or Governing Body may charge for any activity that takes place in school time, with the exception of instrumental tuition or public examinations not prescribed by the LA or the Secretary of State.
The Circular also states that although charging is forbidden for school-time activities, there may be occasions when the school wishes to enhance National Curriculum delivery by inviting outside organisations into school or by making educational or sporting visits. If such instances occur, then voluntary contributions will be sought from all parents. If these contributions are insufficient to cover the cost of the activity, it may have to be cancelled or postponed. No pupil will be excluded from such activities because parents are unable to contribute towards the cost. As a legal minimum, where an activity is classified as an essential part of the curriculum, parents receiving Income Support or Family Credit are exempt.
Pupils take part in residential visits during Years 5 and 6. These are costly and parents are given the choice of paying in instalments. In instances where families receive Income Support or Family Credit the Governing Body may decide to assist with a financial contribution.