Relationships Health and Sex Education
At Cononley Primary School, Relationships Health and Sex Education (RHSE) is taught as part of our Personal Social Health and Economic education curriculum (PSHE). RHSE supports our children’s personal development including their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Its aims are to help our children to deal with the real-life issues they face as they grow up and that they will encounter as adults. Their learning will support them both online and offline, to make informed choices about their safety, physical and mental health, enabling them to live positive and fulfilled lives. RHSE is enhanced by a supportive school ethos where everyone is valued, positive relationships are promoted and there is a safe learning environment.
Summary of legal context as it relates to our curriculum
At Cononley Primary School, pupils in Year 5 and Year 6 are taught about puberty as part of Relationships and Health Education and Science. Parents are not be able to withdraw their children from Relationships and Health Education (part of PHSE curriculum) or Science in primary school. At Cononley Primary School, the content of our Sex Education curriculum addresses conception, pregnancy and birth. It is only taught to Year 6 pupils. Parents are able to withdraw their child from primary school classes which address Sex Education. The right to withdraw a child from Sex Education lessons is explained in more detail in paragraph 8 of this policy. Further information about the curriculum is included in paragraph 5 and paragraph 6 of this policy.