Our Remote Learning provision will be used in the following circumstances:
- A period of national 'lockdown' and school closure
- When a whole class 'bubble' is required to isolate due to a positive case of Covid 19 within the bubble
- When an individual child is required to isolate due to contact with positive case of Covid 19 within the family.
Here is a summary of the Remote Learning your child will receive:
Pupils in Cherry Class
Pupils in Cherry Class will receive home learning via email from their class teachers. In addition, videos and other learning will be posted on Tapestry. Regular live learning sessions will take place using Google Classroom during whole class isolation or school closure.
Pupils in Rowan, Sycamore, Silver Birch and Oak Classes
Work will be posted daily on the class blog on Purple Mash. Teachers will also upload lesson resources (including videos) on Purple Mash and children will be able to upload or 'hand in' their completed work so that teachers can provide feedback. We recognise that children do not always learn well if they are using an electronic device all the time, so where possible, we will provide work books or work packs as well. As far as possible, the lessons will match the lessons which would be taking place in school.
During any period of school closure, in addition to the work set on Purple Mash, teachers will also use Google Classroom for regular live learning sessions with pupils. Pupils in Y2 - Y6 will continue to use TT Rock Stars. Pupils in Years 4,5 & 6 will continue to use Spelling Shed and pupils in Year 5 & 6 will continue to use SPAG.com.
Your child's class teacher will keep in regular contact by email and the class Purple Mash blog. If your child has lost their Purple Mash password, please contact the class teacher.
Please note that in the event of your child's class teacher becoming ill and unable to teach remotely during a period of class isolation, children will be directed to BBC Teach or Oak Academy lessons.