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At Cononley Primary School, we believe that our curriculum for Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity (PESSPA) embodies our school mission statement, vision and values.  


In Physical Education at Cononley, we aim for all children to become physically competent, starting with fundamental movements in EYFS (fulfilling the requirements of Development Matters and the EYFS Handbook)  and Key Stage 1, gradually developing the skills and confidence to transfer these skills to a variety of different sports and activities in Key Stage 2 (fulfilling the requirements of the National Curriculum) . Children also learn the additional skills of team-work, co-operation, communication, resilience, respect and leadership through Physical Education. The content of our PE curriculum is summarised below (see attachments).

In addition to our taught Physical Education lessons, Physical Activity is vital for the health and well-being of our pupils. We aim for our children to be active for at least 30 minutes each day (mostly during playtimes) in addition to receiving 2 hours of Physical Education lessons each week.

School Sports enhance our PE curriculum by providing all of our pupils with the opportunity to take part in sports and activities outside lessons.


Physical Education is taught to all pupils in EYFS, Key Stage 1 and 2 for two hours per week.

Physical Activity takes place every playtime for all pupils in key Stage 1 and 2: 15 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes in the afternoon and approximately 30 minutes within the 1 hour lunch break, depending on the amount of time taken to eat lunch!  Children have access to sports and ‘active’ equipment at morning and lunchtime break. All children in Year 6 act as Sports Leaders and deliver activities to younger children in school. This helps children stay active, practise skills and have fun.  Sports Leaders also help to develop Sport Leader awards, to celebrate and promote the following  values: Sporting behaviour, Perseverance, Integrity, Respect, Intelligence and Teamwork).

Our House Captains help to organise sport tournaments for all KS2 children in school, such as dodgeball, football, tag rugby and netball.

School Sports: children at Cononley attend local competitive sports events throughout the year, organised by our local secondary school, South Craven School.  This enhances our relationships with local primary schools and the local secondary school. Every child at Cononley in KS1 and KS2 is given the opportunity to attend at least one of these events. All children also have the option to attend various after sports and activities including Kanga Lunchtime Club, Kanga After School Club and Bradford City Lunchtime Club.

Many of our children take part in sports and activities out of school and are members of local organisations such as Skipton Tennis Club, The May School of Dance, Sutton Juniors (football) and Craven Swimming Club.

Progression and Assessment

Ongoing assessments of take place regularly using the school progression document.


Physical Education has a positive impact across the whole school. Children look forward to PE lessons and extra-curricular clubs are always well attended. We have achieved Gold Sports Mark. We have had success in a wide variety of extra-curricular sporting competitions including cross country, football, netball, swimming and athletics. At Cononley, PE is assessed against the progression of skills documents. Teachers use this document throughout the year to ensure children are making progress across all areas of the PE curriculum.  The impact of PE at Cononley is also measured using Sports Premium Funding criteria (please see link on school web-site).